Category Archives: daily

Friday? Already?!

This week flew right by! I haven’t spent much time painting this week. It’s been a week of packing and shipping, working on my website, etc, all the behind the scenes unexciting tasks of an artist. Below are a couple of my Instagram updates from this week. (Click on the bottom one to see the video) The Self Portrait for the Veterans show is coming along, slowly but surely. I psyched myself out for days with the portrait, scared to just jump in and get it started! Last night I finally took the dive. Long way to go, but it’s getting a decent start. Follow me on Instagram @manlewis69 to get my daily photo/video updates! 🙂

Today is the last day for my Summer Sale on my art website. 50% off select paintings and prints. Sign up for my email list and get a 20% off coupon for your next purchase of any regularly priced paintings or prints. 🙂

Creativity: Blue Sun in Progress

First layer of paint on Blue Sun original oil painting

First layer of paint

It feels great to be back to daily painting. Every time I take an extended break from painting and then get back to it I wonder what I was thinking? Painting is my purest form of joy. Nothing lifts my mood better. I’m the first to admit that painting is my therapy. It is more than that, it’s a meditation, a prayer, a trance, a ‘zone’. I guess it’s good to take a break occasionally, it makes coming back to it feel exciting. All the ideas that I’ve marinated on for the past year are bubbling up to the surface. Who knows where it will lead. The unknown is the best part. 🙂

Blue added in on Blue Sun original oil painting

Blue added in

I started this painting on Tuesday and it is still a work in progress. Can you tell the sun is shining in New Mexico this week and last? I’m enjoying the sun motif, I’m such an open book, just look at my paintings and you can see my mood by the colors I use. This color combo reflects the sunny days and bright blue skies of a Spring day in the Land of Enchantment.

More yellow in the background on Blue Sun original oil painting

More yellow in the background

The working title of this painting is “Blue Sun”, but I’m hoping something less generic will turn up by the time it’s finished. The size is 8×10″ and the medium is water mixable oils. Should finish it up at the beginning of next week.

More yellow layered over background on Blue Sun original oil painting

More yellow layered over background

I am taking Fridays off from the studios for the next month or so. Working on getting our house ready to sell. So much to do! Stay tuned for my next blog post on Monday. 🙂 If you don’t want to have to think about it, subscribe to my blog(upper right hand corner of this page) and get notified whenever I post something new. Thank you!

Morning Rituals

I watched a video this morning that talked about the morning rituals of successful people. Basically, it said that all successful people have something in common. They have a morning ritual they go through every morning before they start their day. Whether it be exercise or meditation, visualizing or reading, successful people know they must focus themselves to have success in their day.

I too have a morning ritual, though I’m still working on making it an everyday ritual. I have noticed that the days I DON’T do my ritual, usually end up as bad days. There is something to this. The morning ritual helps us to focus our energy and get in the right frame of mind to start our day.

I start my morning ritual with exercise. AFTER I drink a couple cups of coffee of course! Though I will admit, I’ve been thinking about doing away with the coffee. I switched to decaf years ago, so it’s not the caffeine I crave, it’s just the morning ritual I’ve had for the longest amount of time.

After the morning workout I eat a good breakfast, shower, get dressed and head over to my art studio.

This is where the heart of my morning ritual happens. I start with reading. I’m currently reading a book called “Simple Abundance” by Sarah Ban Breathnach. Before that, I read a random chapter from “Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life” by Wayne Dyer. In the past, I’ve read a verse from the Bible or another inspirational book. The idea of the reading is to put myself in the frame of mind I need to be in before I meditate/pray.

Once I finish my reading, I start with a prayer. Sometimes it’s for someone or something specific, sometimes I pray for the entire world. I always end with the Reiki prayer that goes something like this:

“Just for today,

I will not worry,

I will not be angry,

I will do my work honestly,

I will be grateful for all the many blessings in my life,

I will be kind to all living beings.”

After my prayers, I meditate with my eyes closed for anywhere between 5-25 minutes. Depending on the day, sometimes it’s difficult to remain quiet for that long. The most important thing about meditation is the practice. It’s never perfect and I’m not trying to be perfect. My goal is to quiet my mind and go within. To connect to my higher power, Divine Source or whatever name/label you give it.

I always feel peaceful and centered when I go through my daily morning ritual. I can get through my day in joy, peace and love. A big part of my prayer is being grateful. Gratitude can do SO much to change your attitude! Gratitude opens the door for more.

Some of my most inspired (In Spirit) paintings and pieces of art come from my meditation practice. It feels to me like my soul is directly connected to my spiritual source when I meditate. The only way to describe it is it’s like Spirit is whispering ideas in my head or sometimes shows me an image in my mind’s eye while I meditate. Many people have told me they can sense the higher energy from these paintings. I’ve always said, they aren’t MY ideas, I’m merely the channel they come through.

Some days I will also write in my journal, things I’m grateful for or things I need to get out of my head.

Some days I feel pressure to get right to work and skip my morning ritual. I always regret that decision. Now that I’ve learned that lesson, I skip my ritual less and less. It usually takes something urgent and dramatic to make me skip it. A call from one of the kids, traveling out of town, camping or just staying home on vacation.

My morning ritual means a lot to me. I don’t think I would last long without it. The exercise gives me energy, the meditation gives me inner peace. I highly recommend giving it a try if you don’t already!

Overcoming my addiction to Facebook


Hello, my name is Paula Manning-Lewis and I’m a facebook addict. They say the first step is admitting you have a problem. Here you go.

I have been on Facebook since 2009. In those almost 7 years I have spent countless hours, days, heck, MONTHS wasting away my time on this terribly addicting social media website. You could say I’m a facebook expert, I’ve easily spent over 10,000 hours there! I’ve mastered the art of social media. To the extent where I no longer have a life, or at least not much of one, outside of social media. I have successfully transferred all friendships and contacts to facebook. I don’t even HAVE a regular address book anymore.

My poor husband has suffered from being ignored. For years I’ve used the excuse that I was using Facebook as a work tool. I was “selling” my art after all. That was all fine and dandy until they changed the way business pages were seen by my followers. Now, I am just spinning my wheels there. There is no purpose to it other than wasting time, pretending to get some benefit out of social media.

Once I realized I had a problem, I tried to limit my time on the site, with little to no success. I have always considered myself a smart person, I KNOW this addiction is bad for me. I KNOW it’s hurting my business and some of my close relationships.

Now, after a couple of YEARS trying to beat my addiction, I’ve decided to take the bull by the horns and REALLY do something about it! Honestly, I have never been an addictive type personality!

So, I’ve headed back to my blog, to write about my process and possibly during my process, I can help someone else who has the same issue. I am planning to get back to my blogging, something I’ve done since 2000, and let it help me beat my addiction the way the folks in AA use coffee and cigarettes to beat theirs ;-).

My goal is to blog everyday, Monday-Friday. I will let you all in on what’s working for me and when I slip back into my old habits. I feel like I can do this better in the public eye by creating accountability for my actions.

For those of you who may have clicked through to this blog post via my Facebook post, I have my blog automatically set up to share my posts on Facebook. That way, I don’t have to actually GO there to share my blog with all my friends! 😉 Please feel free to say something if you happen to see me ON facebook. I need all the help I can get!

Artsy Quote: Love & Wisdom

There can never be too many quotes about love, can there? I don’t think so, so here’s another one! 🙂

artsy quote with oil painting

Artsy Quote: Hope

This is my purpose in life. 🙂

Cracked mud photograph with hope quote

Artsy Quote: Faith

Faith can be difficult sometimes. This quote says it so well.

Bursting Heart Red oil painting with quote

Artsy Quote: Love

I have to remind myself of this at times. Feel free to share! 🙂 Thank you! 🙂

Gratitude oil painting with love quote


Artsy Quote: Inspiration

Sunburst painting with inspirational quote


Today’s Artsy quote: Flowers

Daisy photograph with quote